Friday, 31 January 2014

2014! Bring it on baby!

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So finally, I am making my internet debut. Maybe got the courage to dust off my rusting blog ID and do something productive (or not so productive) whilst I fool around the web. As this is my "being born" post,I feel a lot of pressure to produce something that could pass off as "readable" and get me readers (even one would do just fine).
                     If someone asks me who am I? I'll robotically say my name.But if someone asks me who "I" really am? Then you might draw a blank there. I could write pages, but will still fail to make you understand me. So I am leaving it up to you to judge and while you are at it, might as well tell me what you could decrypt (kind words, I have a fragile heart you see).
 If ever you want me to discuss about anything, even if its like why-don't-humans-fly or something, I will bravely do that. Just drop a comment below :-)

                   I have been an avid fashion magazine reader, hand me just one and I'm done for days. Now,thanks to the internet, my interest has shifted base and now I reside amongst fashion blog sites and YouTube channels rather than on some geographical location. Another plus, you don't have to shelve a 100 bucks for 200 pages of bliss.

 Being my current passion, it was the most obvious choice for the content of this blog. Fashion is art, and the body the canvas. Everyone has been given a right brain .Even if picking up a brush is the last thing you want to do, art sneaks its way into your life.Creativity runs the human world. If it had had been otherwise, we would still be prancing around in leaves and eating lice. Everyone needs there dose. And Fashion does that for you. 

                 " Fashion and Style are the ways to say who you are without saying anything."
                                                               - Rachel Zoe

                      Its a sin for a fashion monkey such as me to turn up as less than presentable on the streets. Yes. Everyone has a bad hair day. But the days that aren't that bad, you can't just shimmy through them looking like a drowned donkey.

                                    "Wear a curtain, but make it look like it was made for you."

That's going to be my motto from now on.Through this blog, I will try to pen (or rather keyboard) my attempt to build a trustworthy wardrobe that's in budget for a college girl like me yet gush worthy. The reason its a public makeover event, I want company. Its tough to stick to a new year resolution without someone watching over our backs. Also, in my process to build my individual style, if I help you guys in any way, fashionably, or otherwise, I will be more than happy :-) Stay tuned for the upcoming posts.

                                               Au Revoir fellas 

                                                 Till next time



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